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IIM Lucknow Ranking

Indian Institute Of Management (IIML), Lucknow University >


Kasturi Talukdar
Kasturi Talukdar

IIM Lucknow Ranking

Indian Institute of Management Lucknow (IIML) is one of the best universities in India. In the year 2023, IIM Lucknow is ranking between 201 and 250 on QS WUR Ranking By Subject. IIM Lucknow has been ranked fourth in the IIRF Rankings 2023 and IIM Lucknow NIRF is on 6th position. According to Outlook ICARE India, IIM Lucknow comes up at number 4th in the ranking list category. Indian Institute of Management, Lucknow was placed 90th in the FT Global Rankings for 2023. IIM Lucknow flagship PGP is now ranked 64 in the esteemed FT Top 100 Management Masters ranking as a result of the Financial Times Rankings for Masters in Management 2022. 

IIM Lucknow Ranking 2024 Highlights

Here is a table of the highlights for IIM Lucknow Ranking 2024:-
Year of RankingRanking AgencyRank
2024IIRF    6
2024FT Global MBA85
2023FT Global MBA90
2022Financial Times64
2022QS Global MBA Ranking201-250
2022Outlook ICARE4
2021Outlook ICARE4/25
2022QS Asia Ranking31
2021QS Global MBA Ranking150-200
2020Economic Times8/50
2021Business Today Overall4

AMBA accreditation for IIM Lucknow programs -

The PGPM, IPMX, and WMP programmes of the institute have received accreditation from the Association of MBAs (AMBA). Five years of accreditation have been granted, and there are no restrictions on this accreditation. In September 2021, a complete reevaluation of the MBA provision is expected to take place. IIM Lucknow now belongs to a family of 187 business schools in more than 70 nations thanks to AMBA accreditation. Through national and international peer assessment, AMBA certification strengthens the institute's dedication to quality and ongoing improvement. This will reassure stakeholders of the institute's overall level of service quality.
The PGPM, IPMX, and WMP programs of the institute have received accreditation from the Association of MBAs (AMBA). Five years of accreditation have been granted, and there are no restrictions on this accreditation. In September 2021, a complete reevaluation of the MBA provision is expected to take place. IIM Lucknow ranking in India now belongs to a family of 187 business schools in more than 70 nations thanks to AMBA accreditation. Through national and international peer assessment, AMBA certification strengthens the institute's dedication to quality and ongoing improvement. This will reassure stakeholders of the institute's overall level of service quality.

IIM Lucknow International Ranking 2024 -

Ranking bodyCategoryRank
FT GlobalGlobal (MBA)85
QS RankingMasters In Management111-120

IIM Lucknow Ranking in World: MBA Program

1) IIM Lucknow Outlook Ranking:

According to Outlook, IIM Lucknow's MBA ranking is fourth out of 24 colleges in India in 2023, up from fourth out of 26 in 2022.
Stream2023 Ranking2022 Ranking2021 Ranking
MBA#4 out of 24 in India 2023#4 out of 26 in India 2022#4 out of 29 in India 2021

2) IIM Lucknow NIRF Ranking:

IIM Lucknow's MBA program was ranked by NIRF as 6th in the management category for the year 2023.
Stream2023 Ranking2022 Ranking2021 Ranking2020 Ranking
MBA6th in Management #6 out of 125 in India 2022#7 out of 100 in India 2021#4 out of 100 in India 2020

3) IIM Lucknow FT Ranking:

IIM Lucknow's MBA program is ranked 90th out of 100 international universities by the Financial Times in 2023.
Stream2023 Ranking
MBA#90 out of 100 in International 2023

4) IIM Lucknow IIRF Ranking:

According to IIM Lucknow IIRF rankings, MBA program is placed fourth out of 44 colleges in India in 2023 and fifth out of 42 in 2022.
Stream2023 Ranking2022 Ranking
MBA#4 out of 44 in India 2023#5 out of 42 in India 2022

Also read: IIM Lucknow Admission 2023

IIM Lucknow IIRF Ranking 2024

Let's study in detail about IIM Lucknow IIRF Ranking 2024 with different parameters and their scores-

PP    135.85
TLRP    128.57
Research (RS)    122.85
Industry Income and Integration (III)    135.42
Placement Strategies and Support (PSS)   132.42
Future Orientation    129.99
External Perception and International Outlook    129.28
Overall Index Score (out of 1000)    915.04

The IIRF's ranking for the IIM Lucknow PGDM is as follows:

                                                                                 IIM Lucknow IIRF 2023 Ranking
Top MBA Colleges in India    452 (IIRF Cluster Rank)

Read - IIM Lucknow Fees

IIM Lucknow NIRF Ranking 2023:

IIM Lucknow is ranked among India's best management institutes by the NIRF rankings 2023. The 2024 rankings for the various colleges and universities have not yet been released by NIRF. NIRF releases the rankings in June each year. The relevant data, which includes information from the preceding three years, is first submitted by the institutions. The ranking body then chooses whether or not to include the institute in its list of rankings. The IIM Lucknow NIRF ranking for 2023 and prior years is available to candidates in a number of categories:

                                                                                  IIM Lucknow NIRF 2023 Ranking

IIM Lucknow vs Other IIMs: NIRF Ranking Comparison

IIM Lucknow is prepared to compete fiercely with IIM Ahmedabad and the other two colleges. This is evident from the table provided below: 

                                                                                IIM Lucknow vs Other IIMs: NIRF Ranking
College NameManagement 2023Management 2022
IIM Lucknow66
IIM Ahmedabad 11
IIM Bangalore 22
IIM Calcutta 43
IIM Indore 87

IIM Lucknow NIRF Ranking Parameter Wise Score 2022

Teaching, Learning and Resources (100)86.53
Research & Professional Practices (100)46.89
Graduation Outcomes (100)96.27
Outreach & Inclusivity (100)74.03
Perception (100)78.67
Teaching, Learning and Resources (100)86.53
Research & Professional Practices (100)46.89
In the coveted NIRF 2020 rankings, the Indian Institute of Management Lucknow is pleased to report that it has maintained its position as the fourth-best management school overall.
IIM Lucknow scored much higher this year than it did previous year across the board. The total ranking is based on five factors: outreach and inclusivity, graduation rates, teaching learning and resources, research and professional practise, and peer perception.
Also read - IIM Lucknow Cutoff

IIM Lucknow Outlook Ranking 2023

According to Outlook-ICARE India MBA Rankings, the IIM Lucknow ranking 2023 is good. IIM Ranchi, IIM Indore, and other IIMs are ranked lower than IIM Lucknow. Outlook: Indian Institute of Management Lucknow received a relatively good score of 93.8 from ICARE India. The college achieved the highest employability score of 98.31. The table below shows Outlook's ranking of the IIM Lucknow MBA program:

                                                                   IIM Lucknow Outlook-ICARE 2023 Ranking
Outlook-ICARE India MBA Rankings 2023: India's Top Government MBA Colleges    4NA
India's Best B-Schools 2022: Top Public MBA Institutions In India    NA4

Also read - IIM Lucknow Placements

IIM Lucknow QS World Ranking 2023

On an annual basis, Quacquarelli Symonds (QS) Systems takes into account the worldwide overall rankings, which take into account five distinct regions: Asia, Latin America, Emerging Europe and Central Asia, the Arab Region, and BRICS. The table below shows how IIM Lucknow is ranked globally:

                                                                   IIM Lucknow QS World Ranking 2023
WUR Ranking By Subject201-250251-300    251-300    
World University Rankings - Masters In Management    121-130111-120    101+

QS WUR Ranking By Subject:

                                                                                        Business Management

Following are the parameters under which overall scores and ranking are calculated in the QS World Ranking-

Academic Reputation56.6
Employer Reputation57.4
H-index Citations75.9
Citations per paper82

IIM Lucknow Economic Times B-School Ranking 2022

The Economic Times B-School Ranking lists IIM Lucknow at number eight among all Management Schools for 2022.

The following is a ranking of the top B-Schools within the various functional areas:-

SpecializationIIM BangaloreIIM AhemdabadIIM Lucknow

IIM Lucknow Financial Times Ranking 2023

IIM Lucknow has routinely been listed among the top 100 universities in practically every significant management category, including the Financial Times' Postgraduate Program in Management and Global MBA. Financial Times assigns a high value to Placements, Diversity, Faculty Expertise, and other factors when ranking the college. The IIM Lucknow FT ranking is reflected in the table below:

IIM Lucknow Financial Times Ranking 2023
Global MBA90NANA
Postgraduate Program in Management726479

IIM Lucknow FT Global MBA Rankings 2023

The Financial Times Top 100 Management Masters Rankings for 2022 were released, and IIM Lucknow came in at number 64. The table below lists some of the most recent rankings IIM Lucknow has gotten -
Ranking BodyRanks
NIRF 2023 for Management6
NIRF 2022 for Management6

In the FT Global MBA Rankings, IIM Lucknow earned the 90th spot. The information regarding the many factors used to determine the rankings are provided below:

1) Career Progression

Aims achieved (%)82
Career progress rank10
Careers service rank41
Employed at three months (%)100
Salary percentage increase141
Salary today (US$) **136673
Weighted salary (US$)136673

2) International Opportunities

International course experience rank              1515
International mobility rank         97



3) Diversity Assessment

Female faculty (%)22
Female students (%)18
International board (%)-
International faculty (%)1
International students (%)-
Sector diversity rank90
Women on board (%)29

4) Faculty Expertise

Faculty with doctorates (%)100
FT research rank100

5) Program Assessment

ESG and net zero teaching rank99
Overall satisfaction **9.18
Value for money rank56

6) International Opportunities

International course experience rank              1515
International mobility rank         9797


Top Management Institutes in India According to NIRF Ranking 2022

Here is a table that shows how IIM Lucknow ranking NIRF in the world is placed against the top IIM's - 


Name of the Institute

NIRF Score


IIM Ahmedabad



IIM Bangalore



IIM Calcutta



IIT Delhi



IIM Kozhikode



IIM Lucknow



IIM Indore






NITIE Mumbai



IIT Madras


To Conclude -

All things considered, the IIM Lucknow Ranking 2023 is fairly good and the college is on par with other highly ranked universities. The PGP ranking of IIM Lucknow is very good. Since IIM Lucknow's rankings have been rising, it can be concluded that the university is among the best IIMs in India. IIM Lucknow is consistently mentioned by ranking organizations like NIRF, QS, and others, demonstrating the high level of interest that students have in this college both domestically and abroad.

Check IIM Lucknow

Also Read: IIM Kozhikode Ranking

One of the best universities in Lucknow, India, is the Indian Institute of Management (IIM) - Lucknow. In the 2023 QS WUR Ranking By Subject, it is listed between 201 and 250.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I get into IIM Lucknow with 98 percentile?

IIM Lucknow expects the General category CAT cutoff percentile for 2022 to be in the range of 97 to 98.

What is the IIM Lucknow QS Ranking?

IIM Lucknow is ranked among the top 250 universities in the world by QS.

What factor had the highest score when NIRF recently ranked IIM Lucknow?

IIM Lucknow received a score of 86.53 out of 100 for the category TLRP, or Teaching, Learning, and Resources, during the NIRF Ranking.

What position does IIM Lucknow hold among all IIMs?

IIM Lucknow is ranked in the fourth row overall among all IIMs. The institute has also been listed as number six among the top 100 management colleges in the NIRF rating for 2022.

What was IIM Lucknow most recent ranking in the Economic Times?

In the year 2020, the Economic Times gave IIM Lucknow an 8 out of 50 rating.

What is the rank of IIM Lucknow in NIRF?

IIM Lucknow is ranked sixth in the NIRF 2022 rankings. The institute was placed 90th in the FT Global Rankings for 2023.

What is the IIM Lucknow Ranking in World?

According to the 2022 report from the QS World University Rankings, IIM Lucknow is positioned between positions 201 and 250. The QS system includes independent areas including Asia, Latin America, Emerging Europe, Central Asia, the Arab Region, and BRICS

What is the rank of IIM Lucknow in FT?

The IIM Lucknow Financial Times Rankings for Masters in Management 2023 continues to be 3rd amongst the IIMs and 4th amongst all B-schools in India.

What is the rank of IIM Lucknow in the world?

IIM Lucknow has been ranked 85th as per the FT Global MBA Rankings 2024.

Which IIM is 1st rank in India?

As per NIRF ranking 2023, IIM Ahmedabad retains the No. 1 position.

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