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Kanika Goyal

Updated on 18th June, 2024 , 3 min read

MoM Full Form: Minutes Of Meeting

MoM Full Form: Minutes Of Meeting and More Details

It is  commonly refers  to the endearing term for mothers, in the professional realm, MoM takes on the role of Minutes of Meeting. This article explores the key characteristics, benefits, challenges, types, and the importance of upskilling related to the term MoM, particularly in the context of professional meetings

However, depending on the context, it can also have other meanings, including:

  • Method of Moments: A statistical technique used in data analysis.
  • Mission, Objectives, and Metrics: A strategic planning framework.

Definition of MOM ( Minutes of the meeting )

The MOM full form is the Minutes of the Meeting. It is a written record of a business meeting. This document is prepared to compile all the important information about the official discussion. A person is delegated the responsibility of taking notes about the action points discussed during the meeting. This designated person is usually known as the executive assistant. However, each member of the discussion also prepares her/their/his MOM to keep a tab on future tasks.

A particular individual needs to store minutes and also distribute them among all members of the unit who were present in the meeting. There are also various organizations that use a standard template or a special format for preparing the minutes.

Key Characteristics

  • Documentation: Meeting Record: MoM serves as a comprehensive record of what transpired during a meeting, documenting discussions, decisions, and action items.
  • Clarity and Accountability: MoM clarifies expectations by detailing action items, responsibilities, and deadlines and  holds participants accountable for their commitments by providing a written record of agreed-upon tasks.
  • Communication Aid: Internal and External Communication: MoM aids internal communication by disseminating meeting outcomes to team members who might not have attended. 

Steps Included in Preparing the MOM

Here is the list of steps included for the preparation of the Minutes of the Meeting given below:

Pre-Planning: In this step, one decides the meeting’s agenda, invites all the participants, assigns a particular individual to prepare notes in the meeting, decides on the recording mode, etc. 

Recording: The assigned individual can use manual or online mode to note down the minutes of meetings. However, they should ensure that the discussion is recorded accurately and clearly.

Transcribing the Minutes: In this step, the recordings of the minutes will be converted into a readable format that the participants can easily understand on reading.  

Distributing Meeting Minutes: The assigned individual will have to distribute the transcribed minutes among all the attendees and other relevant individuals to keep them updated about the same. 

Storage of Minutes: Lastly, the minutes of the meetings must be recorded and stored in a specific order for future reference and  helpful in legal proceedings or act as valuable proof in court.

Contents of the MOM

Usually, the following contents are included in the MOM

  • Date and time of the meeting;
  • Names of attendees, (names and roles) as well as absent participants;
  • Acceptance of, or amendments made to, the previous meeting’s minutes;
  • Key points of discussion for each agenda item
  • Key takeaways of the meeting;
  • Future course of action.
  • Notes or additional information

Benefits and Challenges

1. Benefits:

  • Efficient Follow-Up: It facilitates efficient follow-up as participants can refer to MoM to track progress on assigned tasks.
  • Historical Reference: MoM becomes a historical reference, providing insights into the evolution of ideas and strategies over time.
  • Decision Clarity: MoM ensures clarity on decisions made during meetings, reducing the chances of misunderstandings.

2. Challenges

  • Misinterpretation: There's a risk of misinterpretation if MoM is not crafted with precision, potentially leading to confusion.
  • Time Consumption: Preparing detailed MoM can be time-consuming, especially for lengthy or complex meetings.


Some Aspects That Have to Be Kept in Mind While Writing MOM

  • Ensure that the minutes is recorded when the matter is still fresh in one’s mind. Avoid delaying it.
  • Revise the minutes to make it crisp and concise.
  • One can also take the help of sample format or templates to reduce the wastage of time and effort.
  • Distribute MoMs promptly after the meeting and store MoMs in a central repository for easy access.
  • Make sure that one also records all the major points without delaying it. As a result of this, there is no confusion at later date.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What are information available in MOM?

The MOM also contains details like meeting timings, list of participants, resolution arrived, related responses issues, etc.

Why are MoMs important?

Why are MoMs important? MoMs serve as the glue that holds your meetings together. They provide: Clarity and transparency: Ensure everyone understands the meeting's purpose, outcomes, and next steps. Accountability: Track progress on action items and hold individuals responsible for their commitments.

What is the full form of MoM in politics?

The full form of MoM in politics is often "Member of the Majority" or "Member of the Minority," depending on the political context. It refers to a legislator's affiliation with the majority or minority group in a legislative body.

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