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CBSE Class 12 Chemistry : Important Topics, Tips & Tricks for Exam

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Kitiyala Jamir
Kitiyala Jamir
CBSE Class 12 Chemistry : Important Topics, Tips & Tricks for Exam

CBSE Class 12 Chemistry : Important Topics, Tips & Tricks for Exam 

CBSE class 12 students preparing for their term II exams would do well to concentrate on the key chapters from the Chemistry syllabus. To succeed in CBSE Class 12 Chemistry, you must take a strategic approach that focuses on deeply understanding the concepts. To excel in the subject and achieve the highest possible score, students should follow a well-thought-out study plan

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Class 12 Chemistry has 16 important chapters covering a variety of topics. These chapters are critical for preparation and success in board exams. This is where the Important Questions for Class 12 Chemistry Board Exam developed by experts based on the most recent syllabus can be extremely useful. Students can use the solutions to practice answering these questions and learn how to do so perfectly, allowing them to score higher.

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Chemistry students studying under the Central Board of Secondary Education's (CBSE) syllabus can use this page to help them prepare for their exams. The important chemistry questions on this page have been categorized (concept-wise) into the relevant chapters for the benefit of the students.

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CBSE Class 12 Chemistry Important Topics

Chemical Kinetics

 This chapter, which is divided into prolonged, modern, and swift reactions, is an important chapter for students to cover in the CBSE Class 12 Term 2 Chemistry Syllabus.

Types of Questions Asked: 

  • Chemical reaction rates and integral rate equations.
  • Integrated rate equations are frequently used in a variety of question types, including very short answer (VSA), short answer-II (SA-II), and long answer (LA) questions.
  • Short answer-I (SA-I) questions are frequently asked about factors that influence the rate of a reaction.

 The following are the essential topics to cover in chemical kinetics.

Factors affecting rate of reaction

Rate law and specific rate constant

Integrated rate equations and half-life 

Order and molecularity of a reaction 

Rate of a reaction

Check Out: Tips to Score more than 90% in Your CBSE Board Exams!


Types of Questions Asked:

  • Electrochemistry is the most highly rated chapter in the 2023-2024 session.
  • Based on a ten-year analysis, the most important topics in the chapter are the 'Nernst Equation' and 'Conductance of Electrolytic Solutions.'
  • There were very short answer (VSA) and short answer I (SA-I) questions about the Nernst equation, conductance of electrolytic solutions and electrolytic cells, and electrolysis.
  • The Nernst equation is included in the category of questions, along with short answer-II (SA-II) and long answer (LA).
  • Students should cover the following electrochemistry topics:

Conductance in electrolytic solutions

Variations of conductivity with concentration

Redox reactions 

Specific and molar conductivity

Kohlrausch’s Law

Students must cover the following topics in Kohlrausch's Law.

Lead accumulator

Standard electrode potential 

Electrolysis and the law of electrolysis

Dry cell-electrolytic cells and galvanic cells

Nernst equation

Relation between Gibbs Energy Change and emf of a Cell

Students must cover the following topics: 


Fuel cells 

Surface Chemistry

Students must cover the following topics in Surface Chemistry: 

Factors affecting the adsorption of gases on solids

Adsorption – physisorption, and chemisorption 

Homogeneous and heterogeneous activity and selectivity


Colloids and suspension

Enzyme catalysis colloidal state distinction 

Lyophilic, Lyophobic Multi-Molecular, and Macromolecular Colloids 

Students must cover the following topics: 

Tyndall effect

Brownian movement


Properties of colloids

Coordination Compounds

Types of Questions Asked:

  • The maximum marks donating topic of the chapter is ambident (equally shared between two) among bonding and isomerism in coordination compounds.
  • Isomerism in coordination compounds was asked for very short answer (VSA) types, whereas bonding in coordination compounds contributes to questions such as short answer-I (SA-I) and short answer-II (SA-II).
  • Examiners also gravitate towards the nomenclature of the coordination compound.
  • Students must cover the following topics in Coordination Compounds: 

Coordination number, colour, magnetic properties, and shapes

IUPAC nomenclature of mononuclear coordination compounds


Werner’s theory




Structure and stereoisomerism 

d and f Block Elements

Types of Questions Asked:

The d- and f- Block Elements:

  • The periodic table's most important section is the d- and f-block elements.
  • The general properties of the transition element are the ultimate, while some important compounds of transition elements are the penultimate area of interest for question types such as multiple choice question (MCQ), very short answer (VSA), short answer-I (SA-I), short answer-II (SA-II), and long answer (LA).
  • Students must cover the following topics in Coordination Compounds: 

General trends of the first-row transition metals:

Students must cover the following topics: 

General trends of the first-row transition metals 

Metallic Character

Catalytic Property

Oxidation States 


Ionisation Enthalpy

Ionic Radii

Magnetic Properties

Interstitial Compounds

Alloy Formation

Preparation and Properties of K2Cr2O7 and KMnO4

Electronic Configuration


Characteristics of Transition Metals




Students must cover the following topics: 


Electronic Configuration

Oxidation States

Comparison with Lanthanoid


Students must cover the following topics: 


Chemical reactivity

lanthanoid contraction

Electronic configuration

Oxidation states

Organic Compounds Containing Nitrogen

Aldehydes, Ketones, and Carboxylic Acids

Types of Questions Asked:

  • Aldehydes, ketones, and carboxylic acid are high-scoring chapters.
  • Since 2014, chemical reaction questions between aldehydes and ketones have been observed to repeat.
  • Almost all types of questions, including multiple choice questions (MCQ), very short answers (VSA), short answer-I (SA-I), short answer-II (SA-II), and long answers (LA), are asked about the chemical reactions of aldehydes and ketones.

Carboxylic Acids

Nomenclature Acidic nature

Physical and chemical properties


Methods of preparation

Reactivity of alpha hydrogen in aldehydes

Mechanism of Nucleophilic 

Physical and chemical properties

Nature of carbonyl group

Methods of preparation

Haloalkanes and Haloarenes:

Types of Questions Asked:

  • Chemical reactions are an important topic in haloalkanes and haloarenes.
  • The chemical reactions of haloalkanes and haloarenes generate a variety of questions, including multiple choice questions (MCQ), very short answers (VSA), short answer-I (SA-I), and short answer-II (SA-II).
  • Methods of preparation can also be considered a topic for retaining exam marks.


Nature of C–X bond

Substitution reactions (Directive influence of halogen in monosubstituted compounds only)

Uses and environmental effects of - dichloromethane, trichloro methane, tetrachloromethane, iodoform, freons, DDT.


Nature of C–X bond, physical and chemical properties


Optical Rotation 

Mechanism of Substitution Reactions

Alcohols, Phenols and Ethers:

Types of Questions Asked:

The primary focus of this chapter is on the hydroxy derivatives of alkanes (alcohol) and aromatic rings (phenol).

Alcohol and phenols are a remarkable topic, whether as a multiple-choice question (MCQ), very short answer (VSA), short answer-I (SA-I), or short answer-II (SA-II).


Students must cover the following topics: 



Methods of preparation

 Physical and Chemical Properties

Acidic Nature of Phenol

 Electrophilic Substitution Reactions

Uses of Phenols


Students must cover the following topics: 



methods of preparation,

 physical and chemical properties

Uses of Ethers


Students must cover the following topics: 



Methods of Preparation,

 Physical and chemical properties

Uses of Alcohols with special reference to methanol and ethanol.

 Identification of Primary, Secondary and Tertiary Alcohols

Mechanism of Dehydration


Types of Questions Asked:

  • The chemical reactions of amines (alkyl and aryl derivatives of ammonia) are the primary focus of study.
  • The engrossed area of questions, including multiple-choice questions (MCQ), very short answers (VSA), short answer-I (SA-I), and even short answer-II (SA-II), are derived from amine chemical reactions.

Diazonium salts


Chemical reactions and Importance in synthetic organic chemistry.



 Identification of Primary, Secondary and Tertiary amines



Methods of preparation

Physical and Chemical properties, 

Uses of Amine



Types of Questions Asked:

Multiple choice questions (MCQ), very short answers (VSA), short answer-I (SA-I), and short answer-II (SA-II) types are frequently used to ask about colligative properties and molar mass determination.

 Ideal and Non-Ideal solutions

Colligative Properties

Determination of Molar Mass

Abnormal Masses 

CBSE Class 12 Chemistry Syllabus for Practical

The following is a breakdown of the marks for practical, project work, class records, and viva. The total number of marks for all parts is 15. The marks for both terms are provided in the table below.

Evaluation Scheme for Examination


Volumetric Analysis        


Salt Analysis


Content-Based Experiment


Project Work


Class record and viva


Total Marks


Preparation Tips for CBSE Class 12 Chemistry Syllabus

  • Organic chemistry is a significant component of the exam. To improve your mastery, focus on mechanisms and practice conversion-based questions regularly.
  • Solve sample papers to get to know the exam pattern. Identify common question patterns and areas for emphasis.
  • Ensure you have a firm grasp of the foundational ideas before moving on to more complex subjects. 
  • Plan regular revision sessions to reinforce learned concepts.
  • Chemistry requires numerical problem-solving. Set aside time to practice calculations and numerical exercises.
  •  Familiarize yourself with the use of formulas in various scenarios.
  • Memorize key details about the periodic table, such as trends in atomic properties. 
  • Understand the periodicity of elements and its implications in reactions.
  • Condense complex concepts into brief mind maps for each chapter.
  • If you have any questions, do not hesitate to ask your teachers or classmates for clarification.

Frequently Asked Questions

Which syllabus has been removed from Chemistry Class 12 2023-2024?

The CBSE Class 12 Chemistry Syllabus 2023-24 no longer includes chapters on solid state, p block elements, surface chemistry, general concepts and procedures for element isolation, polymers, and chemistry in everyday life.

Is the CBSE syllabus for 2023-24 released?

The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) has released the CBSE Syllabus Class 10 for the 2023-2024 academic year for all subjects.

Is the NCERT syllabus going to change in 2024?

Yes, both the CUET 2024 and the NEET 2024 will use the new NCERT syllabus. The National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT) has released the new syllabus for classes 11 and 12 for the 2023-24 academic year.

Which is the most difficult chapter in Chemistry Class 12?

The most difficult chapter in chemistry class 12 varies according to each student's strengths and weaknesses. However, some of the most frequently cited difficult chapters are: Electrochemistry. Chemical Kinetics.

Which is the easiest chapter in chemistry?

The easiest topics in chemistry are: Some basic concepts of chemistry, structure of atoms, s block., Hydrogen, everyday chemistry., Hydrocarbon and GOC(from NCERT).

Is CBSE Chemistry Difficult?

The difficulty level of the paper ranged from easy to moderate. The CBSE Class 12 Chemistry question paper was easy for the majority of students, and they anticipate receiving high marks.

What are the total marks in CBSE Class 12 Chemistry?

The total marks for CBSE Class 12 Chemistry are 100. The theory paper is worth 70 points out of a possible 100, while the practical exam is worth 30.

What chapters were removed from the CBSE Class 12 Chemistry Syllabus 2023-24?

The CBSE Class 12 Chemistry Syllabus 2023-24 no longer includes the chapters solid state, p-block elements, surface chemistry, general principles and processes of element isolation, polymers, and chemistry in everyday life.

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