BSc IT Syllabus 2025: Semester-Wise Subjects

BSc Information Technology, Duration - 3 Years

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BSc IT Syllabus & Subjects 2025: A Complete Guide

BSc IT subjects cover topics such as Foundation of Information Technology, Advanced-Data Structure, DBMS utilizing FoxPro, Foundation of Mathematics, Statistics. BSc IT, or Bachelor of Science in Information Technology, is a 3-year undergraduate course. It focuses on data and information management, processing, storage, and security. Students who pursue a BSc in IT learn about databases, software, and networking.

Subjects like Foundation Courses, Core Courses, Elective Departmental, and Elective Inter Departmental are all included in the BSc IT Syllabus includes Foundation and Core courses which is worth 4 credits each. 

This article covers the syllabus and subjects of BSc IT in detail.


BSc IT Course Highlights

The following are the BSc IT course details in a glance -

BSc IT Full FormBachelor of Science in Information Technology
Course LevelGraduate
Examination TypeSemester System
BSc IT Eligibility10+2 with science subjects
BSc IT FeesRs 90,000 to 4.3 lakh
BSc IT SubjectsWeb Programming, Networking and Internet Environment, Digital Electronics, Computer Science, Information Theory & Applications
Top BSc IT CollegesPSG College of Arts and College, Women's Christian College, Guru Nanak College
BSc IT Salary (Average)INR 2 to 4 lakh per annum
Top Recruiting IndustriesEducation, Space Research Organization, Health Care, Pharmacy, Biotechnology, Chemical, Environment Management & Conservation
BSc IT JobsProgrammers, Software Developer, Quality Analyst, IT Specialists, Technology Engineer, Technical Consultant, and Graphic Designer

BSc IT Subjects List: Semester-wise

Students study a wide range of BSc IT subjects in the three-year undergraduate program. Depending on the university one wishes to attend, the subjects offered could change.

To help you get a better understanding of the course, we have listed each subject according to the semester.

Mentioned below is the complete list of BSc IT subjects semester-by-semester:

BSc IT Syllabus 1st Year -

BSc IT Subjects:1st SemBSc IT Subjects: 2nd Sem
Language - ILanguage – II
English - IEnglish – II
Core Paper I Computing Fundamentals and C ProgrammingCore Paper 3: C++ Programming
Core Paper II Digital Fundamentals and Computer ArchitectureCore Lab 2: Programming Lab - C++
Core Practical – I Programming Lab - CCore Lab 3: Internet Basics
Allied A: Paper I Mathematical Structures for ComputerScienceAllied A: Paper II Discrete Mathematics
Environmental Studies*Value Education – Human Rights*
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BSc IT Syllabus 2nd Year -

BSc IT Subjects: 3rd SemBSc IT Subjects: 4th Sem
Core Paper 4: Data StructuresCore Paper 6: System Software and Operating System
Core Paper 5: Java ProgrammingCore Paper 7: Linux and ShellProgramming
Core Lab 4: Programming Lab - JavaCore Lab – 5: Linux and Shell Programming Lab
Allied B: Paper I Microprocessor & ALPAllied 4: Business Accounting
Skill based Subject1: Introduction to web design & ApplicationsSkill based Subject 2 Lab: HTML, XML and JavaScript- Lab
Tamil** / Advanced Tamil* (OR) Nonmajor elective - I (Yoga for Human Excellence)* / Women’s Rights*Tamil**/Advanced Tamil* (OR) Nonmajor elective -II (General Awareness*)

Read More: Software Engineering Courses After 12th

BSc IT Syllabus 3rd Year -

BSc IT Subjects: 5th SemBSc IT Subjects: 6th Sem
Core Paper 8: RDBMS & OracleCore 10: Graphics &Multimedia
Core Paper 9: Visual BasicCore 11: Project Work Lab %%
Core Lab 6: Programming Lab – VB & OracleCore Lab 7: Programming Lab – Graphics & Multimedia
Elective - I Soft Computing/ Animation Techniques / Business IntelligenceElective – II: Network Security and Administration/ Mobile Computing / Python Programming
Skill based Subject 3: Dot Net ProgrammingElective III Internet of Things (IoT)/ Component Technology/ E-Commerce
-Skill Based Subject 4 (Lab) : Dot Net Lab
-Extension Activities**

BSc IT Subjects: Year-Wise

Students can look up the major BSc IT subjects covered in the three-year undergraduate BSc IT course program. This year-wise BSc IT subjects list gives you a fair idea of what to expect to study throughout the course:

BSc IT First Year Subjects

Here is a list of the BSc IT subjects for the first year:

  • Programming in C: This course's goal is to assist students in solving a variety of real-world issues and turning those solutions into computer programs using the C programming language (structured programming).  In order to solve a variety of real-world issues, students will learn how to develop algorithms and use the C programming language to turn them into computer programs.  Also See: Courses in Programming
  • Information Technology: The student will be able to comprehend the fundamental ideas and technologies that make up information technology through this course.  The goal is for the learner to be able to explain and exhibit a basic comprehension of the information technology principles.
  • OOPS using C++: Learning programming through real-world examples and comprehending object-oriented ways to solving a variety of problems with the aid of the C++ language are the goals of this course.  Students will gain knowledge of the various ideas of an object-oriented approach to problem-solving as well as how to use C++ to construct computer-based solutions to a variety of real-world situations.

BSc IT Second Year Subjects

Here is a list of the BSc IT subjects for the second year:

  • Data Structures - The objective is to make the students understand how data is managed internally within any computer with the understanding of basic knowledge of C and C++. The students will also gain knowledge of the basics of internal data structure. 
  • System Analysis & Design - System Development Life Cycle: System Definition, characteristics, elements & types of system, Phases of SDLC, Information gathering tools, Structured Analysis tools, Role of System Analyst.

BSc IT Third Year Subjects 

  • Information Security: Concepts of Information Security  Overview of Information Security: History and Present Situation, Security Principles: Information Categorization, Policy Structure, Role-based Security in an Organization,  Information systems elements, balancing access and security, methods for implementing information security, and the life cycle of security system development. 
  • Programming in Java: The basics of object-oriented programming, Java evolution, an introduction to the Java language, constants, variables, and data types, decision-making, branching and looping, applet programming, graphics programming, and more are all covered in Java programming.
  • Software Engineering: Features, Components, Applications, Software Process Models (Waterfall, Spiral, Prototyping, Fourth Generation Techniques), Project Management Concepts, and the Function of Metrics and Measurement are all included in software engineering.  

Read More: MSc Course

BSc IT Subjects List

BSc IT subjects deal with various topics and are divided into core and elective subjects. All the subjects are listed below:

BSc IT Core Subjects

Here is a list of the core BSc IT subjects:

  • Basics of Computer Science
  • Basics to Digital Electronics
  • Mathematics I
  • C Programming
  • Discrete Mathematics
  • Computer Organization

BSc IT Elective Subjects

Here is a list of the elective BSc IT subjects:

  • Computer Graphics
  • Computer Networks
  • Computer Systems
  • Architecture
  • Operating Systems
  • Software Engineering 

Other BSc IT Subjects

Students pursuing a BSc in IT can choose from a variety of subjects at foreign universities. According to the curriculum established by the government, the topics offered vary from institute to institute. Based on the same fact, we have prepared a second list of BSc IT subjects, including:

  • Advanced and Data Structure
  • Object-Oriented Programming
  • Computer Organization & Architecture
  • Electronics and Telecommunication Systems
  • Digital Computer Fundamentals
  • Foundation of Information Technology
  • Computer Graphics
  • Logic, Discrete Mathematical Structures
  • Operating Systems
  • Systems Programming
  • DBMS Systems
  • Computational Mathematics

Also Read: Diploma in Computer Engineering

BSc IT Entrance Exam

Topics from integrated thinking, quantitative, verbal, and analytical writing make up the GMAT exam format.  This comprehensive GMAT exam pattern will assist students in developing an appropriate study plan.  The GMAT comprises the following four sections, each of which covers fifty topics:

Analytical Writing AssessmentIn this AWA section, the test taker’s ability to think critically and communicate is measured
Verbal ReasoningGMAT Verbal measures how well a candidate reads and understands the written material and evaluates arguments out of it
Integrated ReasoningThe GMAT IR section tests how well a test taker analyzes data to evaluate information represented in multiple formats
Quantitative ReasoningGMAT Quant section measures how well a test taker comes to conclusions using reasoning and analytical skills
Analytical Writing AssessmentIn this AWA section, the test taker’s ability to think critically and communicate is measured

BSc IT Syllabus: Mumbai University

BSc IT course at Mumbai University is considered one of the most popular BSc IT courses throughout India. The detailed BSc IT syllabus at Mumbai University is stated below:

BSc IT Syllabus: First Year

BSc IT Subjects Semester I

BSc IT Subjects Semester II

  • Imperative Programming
  • Digital Electronics
  • Operating Systems
  • Discrete Mathematics
  • Ability Enhancement Skill 
  • Communication Skills
  • Object-oriented Programming
  • Microprocessor Architecture
  • Web Programming
  • Numerical and Statistical Methods
  • Ability Enhancement Skill
  • Green Computing

TY BSc IT Syllabus: Second-Year

BSc IT Subjects Semester III

BSc IT Subjects Semester IV

  • Python Programming
  • Data Structures
  • Computer Networks 
  • Database Management Systems
  • Applied Mathematics 
  • Mobile Programming Practical
  • Introduction to Embedded Systems 
  • Computer-Oriented Statistical Techniques 
  • Software Engineering 
  • Computer Graphics and Animation 
  • Skill Enhancement Course Practical 
  • Core Java Practical

TY BSc IT Syllabus: Third-Year

TY BSc IT Subjects Semester V

TY BSc IT Subjects Semester VI

  • Network Security 
  • C#
  • Software Testing 
  • Advanced Java 
  • Linux Administration 
  • Internet Technology 
  • Project Management 
  • Data Warehousing 
  • Electives
  • IPR and Cyber Laws 
  • Digital Signal And Systems 
  • Digital Signal And Systems Practical 
  • Geographic Information Systems

BSc IT Syllabus: Punjab Technical University 

Given below is the BSc IT syllabus for Punjab Technical University:  

First Year

Semester 1

Semester 2


Database Management Systems

Fundamentals of Computer and IT

Operating Systems 

Computer System Architecture

Object Oriented Programming using C++

Workshop on Multimedia Tools

Object Oriented Programming using C++ Laboratory

Fundamentals of Computer and IT Laboratory

Operating Systems Laboratory

Computer System Architecture Laboratory

Database Management Systems Laboratory


Environmental Science


Second Year

Semester 3

Semester 4

Computer System Architecture  

Programming in PHP

Data structures

Database Management Systems

Operating Systems

System Analysis and Design

Web Technologies          

Computer Networks

Software Lab- IV (Operating systems) 

Basic Accounting

Software Lab- V (Data structure) 

Software Lab-VII (Database Management Systems)

Software Lab- VI (Web Technologies)

Software Lab-VIII (Programming in PHP)


Third Year

Semester 5

Semester 6

Information Security      

Mobile Application Development

Programming in Java      

Software Testing and Quality Assurance

Software Engineering     

Computer Graphics

Data Warehousing and Mining   

Software Lab-X (Mobile Application Development)

Software Lab-IX (Programming in Java)     

Software Lab- XI (Computer Graphics)

Project Work- I

Project Work- I

BSc IT Syllabus: Sharda University

Given below is the BSc IT syllabus for Sharda University

First Year

Semester 1

Semester 2

Problem-Solving Using C

Data Structures Using C

Digital Electronics & Computer Organization

Operating System and Unix Shell Programming

Introduction to Computers & Technology

Introduction to Artificial Intelligence of AI

Introduction to Entrepreneurship Development

Mobile Application Development

Introduction to Artificial Intelligence

Design Thinking & Creative Learning

Introduction to IoT

Communicative English -2

Communicative English-1

Environmental Studies

Ethics and Social Implications of AI



Second Year

Semester 3

Semester 4

Object Oriented Programming Using Java

Design and Analysis of Algorithm

Principles of Data Base Management System

Computer Networks and Data Communication

Introduction to Blockchain Technology

Application-based Programming in Python

Computational Methods

Quantitative and Qualitative Aptitude Skill Building

Cyber Analytics

Social Media Analytics

Augmented Reality Applications Development

Data Warehousing and Data Mining

Logical Skills Building and Soft Skills



Third Year

Semester 5

Semester 6

Web Technologies

DotNet framework using C

Introduction to R

Machine Learning

Software Engineering and Quality Assurance

Cloud Computing Fundamentals

Research Methodology

Information Security and Cyber Laws

Amity University BSc IT Syllabus

The BSc IT syllabus for Amity University is given below - 



 Semester 1

 Computer and Information Technology [Human Social Sciences & Management Courses]

 Programming in C [Human Social Sciences & Management Courses]

 Digital Logics and Circuit Design

 Environmental Studies

 Communication Skills - I

 Foreign Business Language

 Open Elective Courses

 Outdoor Activity Based Courses

 Semester 2

 Accounting Fundamentals [Human Social Sciences & Management Courses]

 Sociology of Change and Development [Human Social Sciences & Management Courses]

 Data Structures Using C

 Operating System Concepts

 Network Basics

 Introduction to Communication Skills

 Individual Society and Nation

 Foreign Business Language

 Open Elective Courses

 Outdoor Activity Based Courses

 Semester 3

 Term Paper [Non Teaching Credit Courses]

 Computer Architecture and Assembly Language

 Green Computing

 Introduction to Data Base Management Systems

 Object Oriented Programming Using C++

 Computer Oriented Numerical Methods

 Communication Skills - II

 Foreign Business Language

 Open Elective Courses

 Outdoor Activity Based Courses

 Semester 4

 Principles of Marketing

 Computer Communications and Networking

 Internet of Things

 Introduction to Open Source Technologies-php,Mysql

 Software Engineering- I

 Professional Communication for Recruitment and Employability

 Values and Ethics for Personal and Professional Development

 Foreign Business Language

 Open Elective Courses

 Outdoor Activity Based Courses

 Semester 5


 Fundamental of Cloud Computing & Enterprise

 Fundamentals of Digital Marketing

 Image Processing

 Introduction to Enterprise Resource Planning

 IT Project Management

 Summer Internship - I

 Java Programming

 Unix Operating System and Shell Programming

 Professional Ethics and Social Responsibility

 Foreign Business Language

 Open Elective Courses

 Outdoor Activity Based Courses

 Semester 6

 Animation and Gaming

 Fundamentals of E-commerce

 Fundamentals of Network Security

 Introduction to Mobile Computing

 Matlab Programming

 Multimedia Technologies

 Object Oriented Analysis and Design

 Python Programming

 Software Testing Techniques

 Visual .Net Technologies

 Web Technologies and Applications

 Independent Study and Research

 Major Project

Top BSc IT Colleges/Institutes in India

Given below is the list of top colleges and institutes that offer BSc IT courses:

College/Institute Name

Course Fees

St Xaviers College, MumbaiINR 37,400
ASM's College of Science, PuneINR 1.43 Lakh
Lovely Professional University, JalandharINR 1.29 Lakh
Indian Academy Degree College, BangaloreINR 1.40 Lakh
Amity University Mumbai, MumbaiINR 4.05 Lakh
Dev Bhoomi Institute of Management Studies, DehradunINR 1.16 Lakh
CT Institute of Higher Studies, JalandharINR 1.04 Lakh
Elphinstone College, MumbaiINR 23,200
Arihant Group of Institutes, PuneINR 1.20 Lakh
RIMT University, PunjabINR 1.41 Lakh
Jai Hind College, MumbaiINR 5,020
Amity University, RaipurINR 94,575
Chandigarh University, ChandigarhINR 2,70 Lakh

BSc IT Scope and Salary

Successful graduates of the BSc IT course may pursue the MSc and PhD programs in the field. The IT and telecom industries are the main employers in the industry for anyone looking to pursue the topic professionally. The following list includes some of the job profiles available after completing the BSC IT course, along with the associated salaries.

Job ProfileAverage Salary (per annum)
IT Support Analyst3.5 lakh - 5 lakh
Network Engineer6.5 lakh - 8 lakh
IT Consultant10 lakh - 14 lakh
Web Designer3 lakh - 5 lakh
Software Developer4.5 lakh - 8 lakh
Quality Assurance Analyst4 lakh - 6 lakh
Systems Analyst6 lakh - 9 lakh

Read More: BSc Salary in India

BSc IT Subjects Books

Here are the best books for BSc IT subjects, written by industry experts and luminaries. By leaving their most significant contributions on the piece of paper, both from within their own country and abroad, they have contributed their knowledge to society.

Book NameAuthor Name
Basic computer & information TechnologyDr. K. Venkataraman
Data structure and algorithms Dr. Ms. Manisha Bbharambe
TangedcoDr. Anthony Xavier
Information Technology ConceptsDr. Madhukala Jain
Principle of informationDr. Miche E Whiteman

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Alternate Course

B. Chem. Eng.

B. Chem. Eng. , 3 Years

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