Home Articles BA Psychology Syllabus: Subjects, Year/Semester-wise, Entrance Exam, Books

BA Psychology Syllabus: Subjects, Year/Semester-wise, Entrance Exam, Books


Chetna Verma
Chetna Verma

BA Psychology Subjects 2025: A Complete Guide

BA Psychology subjects involve the study of topics like behavioral psychology, child psychology, social psychology, educational psychology, developmental psychology, etc. The nature and application of social psychology, theories of counseling, biopsychology, and nervous system organization are some of the common BA Psychology subjects taught over the course of the three years. The BA Psychology syllabus includes both academic and practical approaches to the discipline. The goal of BA Psychology course is to develop professionals in the fields of behavioral, clinical, social, child, etc. so they may succeed in business. 

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Table of Contents

  1. Semester-Wise BA Psychology Syllabus   
    1.1 BA Psychology Syllabus First Year   
    1.2 BA Psychology Syllabus Second Year   
    1.3 BA Psychology Syllabus Third Year
  2. BA Psychology Subjects
  3. BA Psychology Subjects in Detail   
    3.1 Introduction To Psychology   
    3.2 Psychology of Individual Differences   
    3.3 Biopsychology   
    3.4 Development of Psychological Thoughts   
    3.5 Psychological Research   
    3.6 Statistical Methods For Psychological Research   
    3.7 Social Psychology   
    3.8 Developmental Psychology
  4. Additional BA Psychology Subjects
  5. BA Psychology Entrance Exam Syllabus
  6. BA Psychology Syllabus IGNOU
  7. BA Psychology Syllabus DU
  8. BA Psychology Syllabus BHU
  9. BA Psychology Syllabus in UGC
  10. BA Psychology Syllabus from Calcutta University
  11. BA Psychology Subjects Books
  12. Difference between BSc Psychology and BA Psychology
  13. BA Psychology Scope

BA Psychology Syllabus Semester-Wise

BA Psychology Subjects Semester IBA Psychology Subjects Semester II

Sensory Process and Perception

Child Development

Endocrine Glands


Introduction to Psychology

Memory and Forgetting

Physiological Effects of Correlation

Heredity and Environment

BA Psychology Subjects Semester IIIBA Psychology Subjects Semester IV

Social Interaction

Attention Span

Public Opinion and Propaganda

Work and Environment

Measures of Central Tendency

Assessment of Intelligence

Social Psychology

Determinants of Abnormal Behavior

BA Psychology Subjects Semester VBA Psychology Subjects Semester VI

Guidance and Counselling

Psychological Tests

Methods of Counselling

Non-Test Appraisal Techniques

Aptitude and Personality tests

Developmental Psychology

Special Areas of Counselling

Diversity and Multiculturism


Check More: Psychology Courses after 12th

BA Psychology Subjects 

To decide whether the course is fit for you, it is important to explore the subjects and coursework of the course you are opting for. The BA Psychology subjects list is as follows:


To decide whether the course is fit for you, it is important to explore the subjects and coursework of the course you are opting for. The BA Psychology subjects list is as follows:

  • Introduction To Psychology
  • Development of Psychological Thoughts
  • Statistical Methods for Psychological Research
  • Organizational Behavior
  • Introduction to Psychological Disorders
  • Developmental Psychology
  • Counselling Psychology 
  • Psychology of Individual Differences
  • Social Psychology
  • Behavior and Modification Counselling
  • Psychiatric Social Work
  • English Communication
  • Environmental Science
  • Psychological Research
  • Statistical Methods For Psychological Research
  • Introduction to Counselling
  • Theories of Counselling
  • Biopsychology
  • Developmental Psychology
  • Research Methodology
  • Child Psychology

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BA Psychology Subjects in Detail

1. Introduction To Psychology

This course, which serves as an introduction to the study of psychology, focuses on its practical implications in daily life. Several significant subjects that fall under this category are:

  • Perception 
  • Thinking and Language 
  • Memory 
  • Learning and Motivation

2. Psychology of Individual Differences

This course focuses on teaching students about individual differences in order to foster self-awareness, introspection, and social awareness. It includes subjects from the foundational core syllabus for the BA in Psychology, such as:

  • Intelligence 
  • Personality 
  • Enhancing Individual's Approach

3. Biopsychology

The field of biopsychology studies how behavior, environment, and cognition have an impact on the body's physiological processes. Additionally, it explains to students the neurobiological and psychological functions and dysfunctions that underlie experience, behavior, and cognition. The following key ideas pertain to this subject:

  • The Function of the Brain 
  • Introduction to Biopsychology 
  • Endocrine System 
  • Organization of the Nervous System 

4. Development of Psychological Thoughts 

This subject provides a fundamental introduction to the evolution of psychological theories from both an Indian and a Western perspective. The history of several schools of thought that have evolved within the field of psychology will be introduced to the pupils. These are some of the discoveries from this BA Psychology course:

  • Understanding Psyche: Debates and Issues 
  • Psychoanalytic and Humanistic- Existential Orientation 
  • Contemporary Development 
  • Early Schools of Psychology 

5. Psychological Research

Under this discipline, quantitative and qualitative psychological research methodologies are studied. Since research is an essential component of this field, BA Psychology includes this subject to give students knowledge of:

  • Research Traditions 
  • Basics of Research in Psychology 
  • Methods of Data Collection 
  • Non-Experimental Methods 
  • Basics of Research in Psychology, amongst others.

6. Statistical Methods For Psychological Research 

You will learn about psychological research, the fundamentals of statistical approaches, and the tools crucial in descriptive statistics of quantitative research in this topic, which is another analytical area under BA Psychology. The following are some of the major subjects you can anticipate under this heading:

  • Frequency Distribution, Percentile Ranks and Percentile
  • Measures of Central Tendency 
  • The Normal Distribution 
  • Measures of Variability and Standard Scores 

7. Social Psychology 

It introduces students to the realm of social behavior and influence explaining how individuals think, feel, and behave in different social situations. It also peruses the nuances of the social world along with various perspectives on the relationship between society and the individual. Here are some inclusions that you will study in BA Psychology under this subject:

  • Evaluating and understanding the social world
  • Social Interaction and Influence 
  • Psychological of the social
  • Group dynamics and intergroup relations

8. Developmental Psychology 

It aims to give students a comprehensive understanding of the idea and process of human development in the context of various aspects over the course of a certain life span. It aims to investigate how people change throughout their lives. Here are some important subjects that have been added to this BA Psychology subject:

  • Domains of Human Development 
  • Periods of Life Span Development 
  • Socio-cultural Contexts for Human Development 
  • Human Development of Indian Context

Additional BA Psychology Subjects

In addition to the BA psychology courses stated above, the following topics are also covered in this course:

  • General Psychology
  • History of Psychology
  • Physiology Psychology 
  • Cognitive Psychology 
  • Abnormal Psychology 
  • Developmental Psychology 

Also Read: How to Become a Psychologist

BA Psychology Entrance Exam Syllabus

Given below is the BA Psychology syllabus for entrance exams:

Variations in Psychological Attributes
  • Individual differences in human functioning
  • Assessment of psychological attributes
  • Intelligence: Individual differences in intelligence
  • Theories of intelligence; Culture and Intelligence
  • Special abilities: Aptitude — nature, and measurement
  • Creativity
  • Emotional intelligence
Self and Personality
  • self-esteem, self-efficacy, and self-regulation
  • Culture and self; Concept of Personality
  • Major approaches — Type and Trait, Psychodynamic, Humanistic, Behavioural, Cultural
  • Assessment of personality: Self-report measures, behavioral analysis, and projective measures
Meeting Life Challenges
  • Nature, types and sources of stress
  • Effects on psychological functioning and health
  • Coping with stress
  • Promoting a positive health and well-being
Psychological Disorders
  • Concepts of abnormality and psychological disorders
  • Classification of disorders
  • Factors underlying abnormal behavior
  • Major psychological disorders – Anxiety, Somatic, Dissociative, Mood, Schizophrenic, Developmental and Behavioral-Substance use related.
Therapeutic Approaches
  • Nature and process of therapy: Therapeutic relationship
  • Types of therapies: Psychodynamic, Humanistic, Cognitive, Behavior and Bio-medical
  • Alternative therapies — Yoga, Meditation
  • Rehabilitation of mentally ill
Attitude and Social Cognition
  • Explaining social behavior: Impression formation and explaining the behavior of others through attributions
  • Social cognition
  • Schemas and stereotypes
  • Nature and components of attitudes
  • Attitude formation and change
  • Behavior in the presence of others
  • Pro-social behavior
  • Prejudice and discrimination
  • Strategies for handling prejudice
Social Influence and Group Processes
  • Conformity, Obedience, and Compliance
  • Cooperation and Competition
  • Nature and formation of groups
  • Types of groups
  • Social identity
  • Influence of the group on individual behavior
  • Intergroup conflicts
  • Conflict resolution strategies
Psychology and Life
  • Noise, pollution, crowding, natural disasters
  • Promoting pro-environmental behavior
  • Psychology and social concerns: Aggression, Violence, and Peace, Discrimination and Poverty, health, the impact of television on behavior
Developing Psychological SkillsObservational skills, interviewing skills, Testing skills, Counselling skills — empathy, authenticity, positive regard, and Communication skills — listening

BA Psychology Syllabus IGNOU

Have a look at the detailed BA psychology syllabus as offered by IGNOU:

BA Psychology Syllabus 1st Year

Introduction to PsychologyPsychology of Individual Differences
BiopsychologyStatistical Methods for Psychological Research

BA Psychology Syllabus 2nd Year

Psychological ResearchStatistical Methods for Psychological Research-II
Development of Psychological ThoughtDevelopmental Psychology
-Applied Social Psychology

BA Psychology Syllabus 3rd Year

Understanding Psychological DisordersUnderstanding and Dealing with Psychological Disorders
Organizational BehaviorCounselling Psychology

BA Psychology Syllabus DU

Have a look at the detailed BA psychology syllabus as offered by DU:

BA Psychology Subjects Semester I

BA Psychology Subjects Semester II

Introduction to Psychology   
(Theory+ Practical)
(Theory+ Tutorial)
Statistical Methods for Psychological Research-I   
(Theory+ Tutorial)
Psychology of Individual   
Differences (Theory+ Practical)
Environmental ScienceEnglish Communication

BA Psychology Subjects Semester III

BA Psychology Subjects Semester IV

Development of Psychological   
Thought (Theory+ Tutorial)
Understanding Psychological   
Disorders (Theory+ Tutorial)
Psychological Research   
(Theory+ Practical)
Statistical Methods for Psychological Research-II   
(Theory+ Tutorial)
Social Psychology   
(Theory+ Tutorial)
Applied Social Psychology   
(Theory+ Practical)

BA Psychology Subjects Semester V

BA Psychology Subjects Semester VI

Understanding and Dealing with Psychological   
Disorders (Theory+ Practical)
Organizational Behavior   
(Theory+ Practical)
Developmental Psychology   
(Theory+ Practical)
Counseling Psychology   
(Theory+ Practical)

BA Psychology Syllabus BHU

Have a look at the detailed BA psychology syllabus as offered by BHU:

BA Psychology Subjects Semester I

BA Psychology Subjects Semester II

Foundations of Psychological ProcessesApplied Psychology
Ancillary: Basic Psychological ProcessesAncillary: Applied Psychology

BA Psychology Subjects Semester III

BA Psychology Subjects Semester IV

Experimental Methodology & Elementary StatisticsPsychology of Human Development
Ancillary: Abnormal PsychologyAncillary: Foundations of Personality

BA Psychology Subjects Semester V

BA Psychology Subjects Semester VI

Psychological Testing & AssessmentNeurophysiological Bases of Behaviour
Organizational BehaviorHuman Resource Management
Psychology of Social BehaviorPerception, Attention & Consciousness
Cognitive PsychologyClinical Psychology
Behavioral DisordersCulture and Human Behavior
Psychology of Adjustment/Guidance and Counselling (any one)Stress and Coping/ Psychology of Communication (any one)

BA Psychology Syllabus in UGC

Have a look at the detailed BA psychology syllabus as listed by UGC:

BA Psychology Subjects Semester I

BA Psychology Subjects Semester II

Introduction to Psychology   
(Theory+ Practical)
Psychology of Individual   
Differences (Theory+ Practical)
(Theory+ Tutorial)
Statistical Methods for Psychological Research-I   
(Theory+ Tutorial)
Environmental ScienceEnglish Communication

BA Psychology Subjects Semester III

BA Psychology Subjects Semester IV

Psychological Research   
(Theory+ Practical)
Statistical Methods for Psychological Research-II   
(Theory+ Tutorial)
Development of Psychological   
Thought (Theory+ Tutorial)
Developmental Psychology (Theory+ Tutorial)
Social Psychology (Theory+ Tutorial)Applied Social Psychology   
(Theory+ Practical)

BA Psychology Subjects Semester V

BA Psychology Subjects Semester VI

Understanding Psychological   
(Theory+ Tutorial)
Understanding and Dealing with Psychological   
(Theory+ Tutorial)
Organizational Behavior   
(Theory+ Practical)
Counseling Psychology   
(Theory+ Practical)

BA Psychology Syllabus from Calcutta University

Have a look at the detailed BA psychology syllabus as listed by Calcutta University:

BA Psychology Subjects Semester I

BA Psychology Subjects Semester II

Introduction To PsychologyBiopsychology
Statistical Methods For Psychological Research-IPsychology Of Individual Differences

BA Psychology Subjects Semester III

BA Psychology Subjects Semester IV

Development Of Psychological ThoughtUnderstanding Psychological   
Psychological ResearchStatistical Methods For Psychological Research
Social PsychologyApplied Social Psychology
Stress Management

BA Psychology Subjects Semester V

BA Psychology Subjects Semester VI

Understanding And Dealing With Psychological DisordersOrganizational Behaviour
Developmental PsychologyCounselling Psychology
Cultural And   
Human Resource Management   
Cultural And   
L Perspectives In Education
Perspectives In Education

BA Psychology Subjects Books

The foundation for comprehending the numerous psychological ideas is provided by the BA Psychology textbooks. To ensure that they fully comprehend the subjects, students should read the reference books in-depth. Different parallels and subjective interpretations can be dangerous, especially in the field of psychology, which is crucial, without having a thorough understanding of the principles from book study. To make a wise purchase, students should download the course curriculum details and carefully examine them. This enables the student to pay less for their reference books overall. Some of the well-liked Psychology subjects BA books are listed below for your convenience:

Name of the BookAuthors
The Psychology BookCatherine Colin
A Degree in a Book: PsychologyAlan Porter
Essential EnneagramPrice and Daniels
The APA Dictionary of PsychologyGary Vandenbos
Abnormal PsychologyBarlow and Durand

Difference between BSc Psychology and BA Psychology

The student should be informed of these two related degrees before selecting and beginning the undergraduate psychology course. The main distinctions between a BSc Psychology and a BA Psychology are as follows: 

CriteriaBA PsychologyBSc Psychology
Course forGuidance and CounsellingClinical
Approach of StudyPhilosophicalLogical
EligibilityClass 12thClass 12th with Science 
AdmissionMerit/ EntranceMerit/ Entrance
Average PackageINR 4.8LPAINR 5.2 LPA

BA Psychology Scope

BA Psychology has an immense career scope as students can explore a wide range of careers across several employment areas from clinical medicine, counselling to health and education. Here are the most popular jobs for BA Psychology students:

  • Careers Counsellors
  • Clinical Psychologist
  • Health Psychologist
  • Counselling Psychologist
  • Sports Psychologist
  • Social Worker
  • Teacher
  • Corporate Counsellors

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the major subjects of BA Psychology?

The BA Psychology subjects are Introduction to Psychology, Development of Psychological Thoughts, Statistical Methods for Psychological Research, Organizational Behaviour, Introduction to Psychological Disorders, Developmental Psychology, Counselling Psyc

What is the semester-wise BA Psychology syllabus?

Semester-wise BA Psychology syllabus includes the study of disciplines such as Introduction to Psychology, Emotions, Attention and Perception, Psychology, Learning, Memory, Nature of Psychological Research, Application of Measure of Central Tendencies and

Does BA Psychology have maths?

Psychology is a sub-field of social sciences. Thus, you are not required to study Mathematics in your 12th grade curriculum if you intend to major in psychology for your bachelor’s degree.

What are the subjects covered in BA Psychology 1st year?

BA Psychology subjects 1st year include Introduction to Psychology, Stress and Well-Being, Attention and Perception, Intelligence and Creativity, States of Consciousness, Endocrine System, Psychology, Memory, Nervous System: Structure and Function, etc.

What is the value of a BA psychology degree?

According to the research, a candidate has to seek further education, earning at least a PhD, if they wish to have a suitable profession in psychology. A PhD in psychology will have more work chances than a B.A. in psychology.

Which are the important books for BA Psychology subjects?

BA Psychology subjects books are The Psychology Book by Catherine Colin, A Degree in a Book: Psychology by Alan Porter, Essential Enneagram by Price and Daniels, etc.

What is the eligibility criteria for BA Psychology?

BA Psychology eligibility requires students to complete 10+2 with 50% aggregate from a recognized board. Students must have English as a compulsory subject at 10+2 level.

Which are the subjects in BA Psychology 2nd year?

BA Psychology 2nd year subjects include topics like Nature of Psychological Research, Qualitative Analysis, Non-parametric and Parametric Statistics, Emotional and Social Development, and Cognitive Development.

Is BA Psychology a good course?

Yes, BA Psychology is an excellent fit for students who have deep interest in the study of human mind and psychology behind it. Moreover, students who want to pursue psychology-related careers such as law, counselling, journalism, social work, or business

Does BA Psychology have scope?

Yes. After earning a BA in Psychology with Honors, you have a variety of job alternatives. They are qualified to serve as clinical psychologists, forensic psychologists, sports psychologists, researchers, teachers, administrators, assistant deans, content

Is BA Psychology better or BSc psychology?

According to experts, a BSc degree offers students greater hands-on instruction as compared to BA Psychology. The coursework and course requirements are identical, but a BSc in Psychology is more valuable in comparison to a BA in Applied Psychology.

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