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MAT 2023 Result

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Kitiyala Jamir
Kitiyala Jamir

MAT Result 2023

The MAT Result 2023 for the May session examinations is anticipated to be released in the second week of June 2023. To access their scorecards, candidates can log in using the Roll number and Registration number they used during the MAT 2023 Registration process. It's important to note that MAT scores are scaled, and the composite scores typically range from 199 to 801.

Interested Candidates can now apply for MAT Exam 2023 (December Session) - Direct Link

What is MAT 2023?

All India Management Association (AIMA) organizes the Management Aptitude Test (MAT), which serves as a gateway for admission into more than 1000 B-Schools throughout the country. This national-level examination takes place four times annually, specifically in February, May, September, and December. The test has a duration of 2 hours and 30 minutes and can be taken in three modes: internet-based, computer-based, and paper-based.

MAT 2023 Result Dates

May Session


MAT 2023 CBT Exam Date

December 9th, 2023

MAT 2023 PBT Exam Date

December 3rd & 9th , 2023

MAT 2023 IBT Exam Date

December 6th - 17th 2023

MAT 2023 PBT/ CBT/ IBT Result

December 2023

Related Articles: MAT Syllabus 2023

How to Check MAT 2023 Result?

To check the result, candidates should adhere to the following straightforward instructions:

  • Access the provided official website link.
  • A new page will appear on the screen.
  • Enter all the necessary information, including Email ID and Password.
  • Once the details are entered, click on the "Login" button.
  • The MAT result will be displayed on the screen.
  • Download and print the result.
  • It is recommended that candidates make additional copies for future reference.

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How to Obtain Duplicate MAT Score Card?

To obtain a duplicate scorecard, candidates should carefully follow these steps:

  • Write an application on plain paper addressed to AIMA, requesting a duplicate MAT scorecard.
  • Attach a photocopy of the lower half of the admit card along with the application.
  • Send the application through speed post.
  • Ensure that the self-addressed envelope provided is in capital letters and measures 24cms x 12cms. Affix a postage stamp worth Rs. 40/- on the envelope.
  • Dispatch the application with the required documents to the designated address mentioned below:

All India Management Association,  
Management House,  
14, Institutional Area,

MAT 2023 Score Card

The All India Management Association (AIMA) is responsible for issuing the MAT Scorecard. Candidates have two options to access their MAT Score: they can either view/download it from aima.in or obtain it through SMS. 

  • The MAT Scorecard displays the marks obtained in various subjects, including Language Comprehension, Mathematical Skills, Data Analysis and Sufficiency, Intelligence and Critical Reasoning, and Indian and Global Environment.
  •  The validity of the MAT score is one year from the month it is declared. For any queries or concerns regarding the MAT Score, candidates can send an e-mail to mat@aima.in or contact the helpline at 011-47673020. 
  • The MAT Score is accepted by approximately 600 B-Schools throughout India.

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Details Mentioned on MAT Score Card

IEM Kolkata

The details mentioned in the scorecard are:

  • Name of the candidate
  • Form No.
  • Test month and year
  • Roll No.
  • Gender
  • Date of birth
  • Degree
  • Category
  • Work experience in months
  • Scaled scores in different subjects

MAT Exam 2023: Important Points

  • The MAT 2023 examination, offered in both PBT and CBT modes, will take place in approximately 35 specific test cities across India. 
  • It's worth noting that the test cities for PBT and CBT are distinct, with MAT PBT being available in fewer cities.
  •  When completing the MAT 2023 application form, candidates have the option to select up to two cities for their test center allocation.
  •  Test centers will be assigned at the discretion of the examination authority. For MAT IBTs, there are two time slots available: 10:00 AM to 12:30 PM and 4:00 PM to 6:30 PM. 
  • Candidates can specify their preferred test date and slot within the MAT 2023 application form.
  •  Payment of the fee is a mandatory step in the MAT form-filling process, and failing to do so will result in the inability to submit the form. 
  • The fee must be paid before the registration deadline for each session of MAT.
  • Candidates have the flexibility to take the MAT in multiple exam modes; however, they will be required to pay an exam fee for each mode.
  •  Those who wish to retake the MAT can do so in any exam phase by submitting a new MAT application form.

What is MAT Composite Score?

The MAT composite score is determined by evaluating a candidate's performance across four sections, with the exclusion of General Awareness scores in the final calculation. The composite score falls within the spectrum of 199 to 801. It is quite unusual for candidates to attain scores below 200 or above 800. Similarly, it is rare to see sectional scores exceeding 80 or dropping below 20.

In the event that a candidate's score falls below 200, it will be recorded as 199, while scores exceeding 800 will be reported as 801.

Section in MAT

Marks Allotted

Composite Score Scale

Language Comprehension


0 to 100

Mathematical Skills


0 to 100

Data Analysis and Sufficiency


0 to 100

Intelligence and Critical Reasoning


0 to 100

Indian and Global Environment






MAT 2023 Score and Percentile Calculation

As we are aware, the MAT exam is conducted every three months, and with each administration, the test papers exhibit slight variations. These discrepancies are accommodated in the scaling process. Consequently, equivalent scaled scores in the MAT results signify a similar level of aptitude, as assessed by the MAT test, regardless of when or how the exam was administered.

Here are some key points to consider:

  • Scores are adjusted to address the differences in difficulty levels among individual MAT exams.
  • Score reports encompass results from all six sections: Language Comprehension, Mathematical Skills, Data Analysis & Sufficiency, Intelligence & Critical Reasoning, Composite score, and Indian & Global Environment.
  • The scales for the first four sections and the composite scores are determined based on candidates' performance in the examination.
  • Language Comprehension, Mathematical Skills, Data Analysis & Sufficiency, Intelligence & Critical Reasoning, and Indian & Global Environment (Indian & Global Environment scores are calculated separately) are reported on a scale ranging from 0 to 100. Scores below 20 and above 80 in this section are infrequent.
  • Each of the six scores is accompanied by a percentile, indicating the percentage of candidates who scored below the given mark within the entire MAT test-taking population. The percentile below a particular score may vary with each administration.
  • The composite score is calculated using the results of the first four sections: Language Comprehension, Mathematical Skills, Data Analysis & Sufficiency, and Intelligence & Critical Reasoning.
  • The composite score is reported on a scale spanning from 199 to 801. Scores below 200 are presented as 199, while scores above 800 are indicated as 801.
  • The Indian & Global Environment score does not contribute to the composite score, but candidates must achieve a minimum passing mark in this section to qualify for the exam.
  • MAT 2023 scores should not be compared with those of other tests or derived from a different test. Differences arising from various administrations are addressed through the statistical process of score equating.

MAT 2023 Marking Scheme

The MAT exam marking scheme is in accordance with the MAT syllabus 2023. Each question is worth four points, and the marking scheme is 0.25, which means that one point is deducted for each incorrect answer.

How to get the error rectified in MAT result 2023?

If a candidate discovers an error in the MAT result, they can send an email to matibt@aima.in or call us at 011-47673000/ 8130338839.

Top B-Schools Accepting MAT 2023 Score

National Institute of Technology, Warangal

Institute of Finance and International Management, Bangalore

Institute of Public Enterprise, Hyderabad

Xavier Institute of Management and Entrepreneurship, Bangalore

Balaji Institute of Modern Management, Pune

Jaipuria Institute of Management, Lucknow

Thiagarajar School of Management, Thirupparanjundram

SCMS Cochin School of Business, Cochin

MAT Admission Process 2023

AIMA will not be responsible for conducting the MBA admission procedure. Instead, candidates must independently submit their applications to the MAT participating institutes. Those seeking admission to MBA programs will need to engage in the selection or counseling process at their chosen colleges based on their MAT 2023 results.

The MAT admission process encompasses multiple stages, including Group Discussion (GD), Personal Interview (PI), and a Written Ability Test (WAT) round. The final admission decisions will be made for candidates according to their MAT results and their performance in these selection rounds.

Also Read: MAT Preparation Tips 2023

Steps to Apply for Colleges After MAT Result 2023

Here is a detailed guide, including important information, for applying to colleges after the declaration of MAT results:

  • Choose from the available list of MBA colleges that accept MAT exam scores for admissions.
  • Verify your MAT Score Card and compare it with the anticipated MAT Cut-off for admission to the desired MBA college.
  • Prior to applying, ensure to check the AICTE/UGC approval/recognition status of the programs directly from the relevant authorities.
  • It is advisable to reconfirm the MAT accepting colleges' acceptance of MAT 2022 scores for admission, as some colleges may have specific criteria despite their confirmation to AIMA MAT.

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MAT 2023 Cut-Off Marks

In this section, candidates can acquire information regarding the MAT Cut-Off Marks 2023. The officials of the All India Management Association will determine the MAT Cut-Off Marks 2023 to shortlist applicants for further rounds of the selection process. These cut-off marks will be influenced by various factors, including previous analysis, the number of candidates who appeared for the exam, and the availability of seats in the organization, among others. Below, we have provided the anticipated MAT 2023 Cut-Off marks for renowned colleges. 

MAT 2023 Selection Procedure

Despite the presence of approximately 400 MBA colleges that utilize MAT cut-offs for admissions, there is no standardized selection process or common counseling procedure for MAT. Each MBA college has its own distinctive MAT selection process for MBA admissions, although they all consider the overall MAT exam score. Below are the key steps involved in the MAT selection process at an MBA college:

Step 1: Submit an application to the management institute, including the MAT scorecard. 

Step 2: Keep track of the shortlist announcements made by the MBA college for the final selection round. 

Step 3: Participate in the final MAT selection process at the designated venue, or through an online platform, as per the college's guidelines. 

Step 4: Along with the MAT exam score, all MBA colleges that consider MAT scores for admissions typically conduct Group Discussions (GD), Writing Ability Tests (WAT), and Personal Interviews (PI) as the final selection criteria.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is MAT or CAT more difficult?

MAT is less difficult than CAT. Although the aptitude portion of both exams is similar, the level of questions is not.

What is the MAT scorecard’s validity?

MAT scores are valid for one year. MAT 2023 scores will be valid for admission to MAT score accepting MBA colleges in the 2023-24 academic year.

What all details are displayed in MAT Result?

The MAT result displays both the composite and sectional scores. Aside from that, the scorecard will show the candidate’s name, application number, roll number, category, gender, and scorecard validity.

When will the MAT results be released?

The MAT result dates are not announced in advance, but candidates should continue to visit the AIMA’s official website after taking the exam to stay up to date on score announcements.

Who will release the MAT result?

The All India Management Association (AIMA), which conducts the examination, will release the MAT results.

How to check the MAT 2023 result online?

Candidates must visit the official website, click on the candidate login, and enter their registered email ID and password to download their MAT scorecard.

What are the details that will be mentioned in the scorecard of MAT 2023?

The following section-wise scores will be listed on the AIMA MAT 2023 scorecard: Composite Score, Mathematical Skills, Language Comprehension, Data Analysis & Sufficiency, Indian & Global Environment, Intelligence & Critical Reasoning.

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