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Advice for a First Time Voter


Suman Saurav
Suman Saurav

Advice for a First Time Voter

By Prof. (Dr.) Jayanthi Ranjan, Vice Chancellor Sharda University Agra
Casting a vote is not just a duty but an important step toward strengthening democracy, the Lok Sabha Election of 2024 in Agra is on 7th April 2024, a wave of excitement and responsibility is across the nation, especially among first-time voters. The power to bring about revolution and shape the future of India our very own Bharat. This duty lies in the hands of these young and dynamic individuals. I think they need guidance, right direction and empowerment to be the first-
time voters in India, largest democracy with essential tips to make the most meaningful and informed participation in the upcoming Lok Sabha Elections in Agra. Getting an insight into the voting process, including polling station location, voter ID requirements, and how to cast your vote, verifying every information from multiple credible sources before forming any opinion and discussing about party goals and party manifesto. Be open to different viewpoints and discuss
politics with friends, family, and community members respectfully. Being cautious of misinformation spread near polling booths. Trust only official ECI communication and polling booth officials. . By understanding the electoral process, researching candidates, staying  informed, and encouraging others to participate, first-time voters can actively contribute to the democratic fabric of India. So, make sure you are all set with the right information to cast your ballot with conviction! Should I vote for someone who clearly will not win, just on principle? Or does the person I plan to vote for intend to be honest, or is he/she more interested in making
money? What guarantees do I have that the party I vote for will stick to its manifesto? By voting for a candidate who can create change, my individual vote is more likely to have an impact.



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